Friday, December 27, 2013

Ever have days where you just feel so insignificant to the world? If you logically think about it, we're one galaxy out of millions in the universe. In our galaxy there are a bunch of planets, a shit ton of stars, and a bunch of asteroids/comets. And we're just one of those ridiculously huge planets. Most of us don't aim to be remembered, that's not our goal in life. (Well, not mine anyway. My goal in life is to find myself and to achieve utter happiness. Not one because I'm spending money, or eating something good. But a genuine form of happiness.) So what's the big deal with being remembered? In the end you die alone. You don't die with your friends. You don't die with your family. You don't die with your soulmate. You die alone. In your coffin. Laying alone. (or you burn alone if you dig that cremation shit) Sooner or later people are going to forget you. So why try so hard? Aren't you just wasting time that you could be using to actually live your life and do wild shit that YOU will remember? People are so focused in on impressing others that they become something they're entirely not. Jesus Christ turn off that television for fucks sake and try doodling, singing, painting, SOMETHING that YOU have done yourself. Don't look for the spoon of life to feed you something brilliant, because it's not coming.

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